My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I originally read this book a couple of years ago for my 3rd grades since we studied this in our Social Studies unit and they really liked it. I read again this year and while it wasn't as such a big hit the kids did like it. This seems pretty accurate and the pictures and language are not boring but exciting for kids to listen to. The idea that the boy lived by himself in a boarding school and worked was a topic for discussion in both grade levels. We talked alot about the vocabulary and why things were taking place since kids were asking questions about it particularly in 2nd because the didn't have much background knowledge about this time period. I would definitely use this as only a read aloud in 2nd and 3rd grade and allow your higher readers read it after the read aloud. It is also an A.R. test which our library has! (Since I published this we no longer have A.R.) I have not read the second or third book yet.

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